The Institute for Inner Power Yoga® developed as an accredited yoga school through the work of Yoga Worldreach, 501c3. Founded by R.R. Shakti in 2006, Yoga Worldreach began as a non-profit organization and reestablished as a social business in 2010 before dissolving in 2012. With programs in Africa, India, Central America and throughout the United States, Yoga Worldreach offered yoga empowerment opportunities for survivors of trauma and people with special needs.
The Institute for Inner Power Yoga® seeks to continue the work of Yoga Worldreach
by incorporating seva (social service) into our 200-hour yoga education programs.
Students are inspired to present a seva project proposal for peer review and support. As part of our yoga teacher training, we inspire and empower one another to implement a sustainable action plan for offering yoga as seva within our local and global communities.
The Institute for Inner Power Yoga is a subsidiary of the Soul Artist Academy.