Consciously Complete Your Manifesting Cycles.
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Rewrite your soul stories for creative freedom.
Honor your body's wisdom with somatic practices.
Align with the healing rhythms of Nature. 
Follow your dream images: symbol & archetype.
Identify your soul's purpose for spiritual fulfillment.
Discover balanced relationship for deeper intimacy.
You are a Soul Artist.

Everyone is. Our common medium is life, But only you can realize your life's masterpiece. Soul Artist Awakening and Soul Artist Compass are opportunities to rediscover your inner power with courage, compassion, and creative clarity. To be a Soul Artist is to align with the rhythms of your true nature so that you may consciously complete your manifesting cycles…and create your most meaningful life. Soul Artist One/One is a personalized experience for developing...

  •  Relationship Intimacy
  • Spiritual Fulfillment
  • & Creative Freedom 

Work directly with Dr. Rachel Redding (R.R. Shakti, PhD) to uncover the treasury of your unconscious psyche. Realize the personal mythology that limits you and the soul stories that empower you. Clarify your voice and vision. Learn to decode your dream images: symbols and archetype. Listen to your body's wisdom and follow the guidance of your visionary heart.

When you are ready to make a conscious change in your relationships, livelihood, or legacy; Soul Artist Awakening provides practices and action steps to guide you to your deepest insight. There you can access the creative power to complete your manifesting cycles for real-life transformation.

The next stage of the journey is the Soul Artist Compass. This series offers tools to inspire you, empower you, and help you navigate along the path of your soul's purpose. 

 Consciously Complete Your Manifesting Cycles. 
One Manifesting Cycle includes: 
  • 6 live, virtual sessions (1 orientation and 5 activation sessions with Shakti).
  • Personalized practices and action steps to support your conscious completion.
  • 1 year access to your private Soul Artist Treasury for audio/video downloads.
 Are you ready to create your most meaningful life?
Let's get started. 
Schedule a Discovery Call.
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 The Soul Artist Treasury was founded by R.R. Shakti, PhD in 2020 as a platform for creative study & contemplative practice. 
